Actuarial Expert Witness Services & Litigation Support

Our actuaries can assist with your insurance litigation in connection with the following:

  • Expert witness testimony
  • Calculation of damages
  • Actuarial malpractice & negligence
  • Actuarial standards of practice
  • Reinsurance disputes and commutations
  • Reinsurance risk transfer testing
  • Loss reserving
  • Statement of actuarial opinion
  • Financial examination disputes
  • Market conduct examination disputes
  • Ratemaking and insurance rates
  • Rate filings and rating programs
  • Regulatory compliance
  • Conservation and liquidation
  • Responsibility of actuary to client
  • Data compilation and data mining
  • Policy coverage
  • Premium audit review
  • Insurance agents' standard of care

Our actuaries can assist you by providing superior expert witness and litigation support services. Our actuarial expert testimonies and reports are strong, well researched, credible, and easy to understand by non-actuaries.

We have a deep understanding of the technical aspects of actuarial science and actuarial concepts and firmly understand that they need to be explained to attorneys, judges, and juries in simple terms in order to have a successful litigation.

The depth of experience and knowledge of our actuaries makes AACG an ideal partner in any insurance litigation or dispute.

What type of actuarial expert witness work have you done?

Our actuaries have been involved in wide-ranging actuarial and insurance expert witness work, including loss reserving, actuarial malpractice, rate setting, policy audit, policy coverage, legal responsibilities of insurance agents, reinsurance and a class action securities lawsuit dealing with negligent actuarial work. Our actuaries are qualified to handle insurance and actuarial expert witness work for all property and casualty lines of business and insurance products.

What standards must an actuarial expert witness follow?

All actuaries must follow the Code of Professional Conduct and the Actuarial Standards of Practice (ASOPs) which are promulgated by the American Academy of Actuaries. ASOP No. 17, which is titled 'Expert Testimony by Actuaries' provides guidance to actuaries who provide oral or written expert testimony as part of their work as expert witnesses. According to ASOP No. 17, some of the recommended practices that an actuary working as an expert witness should consider include how to handle the rules of evidence and procedure, conflicts between appropriate actuarial practice and laws and regulations, conflicts of interest, reliance upon the work of others, disclosure of actuarial assumptions and methods, and how to handle hypothetical questions.

What is the difference between the credentials of ACAS and FCAS?

ACAS stands for 'Associate of the Casualty Actuarial Society' while FCAS stands for 'Fellow of the Casualty Actuarial Society' and both credentials refer to two separate levels of membership in the Casualty Actuarial Society that are attained by the successful completion a series of examinations. The first level is ACAS and the second level is FCAS. An actuary with the FCAS designation has completed all professional examinations of the Casualty Actuarial Society.

Casualty Actuarial Society American Academy of Actuaries The Institutes