Actuarial Forensic and Litigation Services

Our property and casualty actuaries are experts in the forensic review of the work performed by other actuaries and in actuarial litigation. We can review the methodologies, assumptions, and data used by other property and casualty actuaries and perform a review for compliance with generally accepted actuarial principles and actuarial standards of practice. We can also take apart any actuarial analysis, find and correct weaknesses and errors, and rebuild the analysis to present an independent estimate that can be used in actuarial litigation.

Our actuaries are then available to provide a strong, credible and well researched expert report and testimony in order to provide an independent opinion of the work performed by other actuaries, or to present our own results, in simple and easy to understand terms. Should litigation ensue, our actuaries will provide convincing and professional litigation support during deposition or at trial.

Why you should hire us to provide actuarial litigation support

Our actuaries each have over 30 years of experience in the property and casualty actuarial and insurance field working for insurance companies and as actuarial consultants. We have worked on projects such as the actuarial analysis of national insurance carriers, performed numerous insurance studies, reviewed hundreds or rate filings for state compliance, worked on countless reinsurance commutations, assisted in the conservation and liquidation of insurance companies, provided training and consulting services to administrative law judges, and provided actuarial litigation services on multiple cases.

Call us to discuss the actuarial forensic services we offer and how AACG could be of assistance in your actuarial inquiry or dispute.

Casualty Actuarial Society American Academy of Actuaries The Institutes